There is a lot of noise about measurement, accountability and using data to make better business decisions. With this in mind, it is important to understand how efficient and effective your organisation IT support’s Service Desk is at handling any IT issues. The fewer times your team make a call, the less time they spend on the phone sorting out IT problems, and the quicker their problems are fixed – the more productive your team. BUT how should this be measured to see if you have an effective IT Service Desk?
There are endless key performance indicators (KPIs) to choose from some more meaningful than others. It is essential to measure the effectiveness of your IT Service Desk in the areas that matter most to you and your business; for efficiency, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.
We are cutting through the noise about measurement and picked our top five Service Desk performance management KPI’s your organisation should be tracking.
1. Customer Satisfaction Score
Nothing will provide greater insight into what’s working and what needs improvement.
Take Action!
Only 15% of IT Service Providers conduct annual business reviews for clients.
Use this opportunity to assess satisfaction gaps and offer new solutions to meet your client’s needs.
2. Service Response
When it comes to providing support to clients, the ability to meet promised response and resolution timeframes is crucial.
Solid Service Level Agreement (SLA) performance means a strong brand and an ability to retain clients.
3. Open Backlog Trends Over Time
Monitoring backlog volume and balances over time make it easier to:
- Identify and correct systemic issues
- Get ahead of problem areas
- Improve processes
- Reduce the risk of missing SLAs
4. Newly Discovered Devices
To know if you are meeting your managed service targets, measure newly found assets, what is being applied to a contract and what is being reviewed for inclusion. This will allow you to achieve incremental growth.
5. Project Status
How you deliver projects is core to your service portfolio. Track projects to determine which ones are behind or ahead of schedule. Prioritize tasks that are due this week and uncover which projects are at risk so you can proactively address issues and get things back on track quickly.